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Tag Archives: gender

Eight years ago, I picked up this little gem from the Wheaton Public Library. I had been wallowing in the midst of a six-year hiatus from writing fiction due to school and self-degradation over my ability to craft sentences free of dry, academic rhetoric, and at some point between red cup parties in Allston and swag events in the Back Bay, it had been recommended that I read Virginia Woolf. Stemmed wholly in the ignorance of 20th century feminist struggles, I became and grew more aghast with each page as Ms. Woolf struggled to find a place where she could simply enjoy doing what she loved most. Determined to enjoy the freedom given to me by the 21st century, I picked up my pen once more and began to produce prose. What I did not produce until recently was a clear and concise understanding of how much my gender and my race would be so intrinsically linked with everything that I loved, specifically those things within the Land of Geekdom. Read More »


TRIGGER WARNINGS INCLUDE: Mentions of Extreme Gender/Sexual Ignorance and Assault


Because We Need The Motherfucking Inspiration!

Perhaps my title is a tad on the militant side, but we in the Secular/Skeptic/Humanist/Atheist community[ies] have not been getting a lot of positive news lately. Like I said in an earlier post, just because you don’t like being called on out your assholish behavior doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be called out on it.

That being said, I’m not going to [presently] dwell on the asshats within the community who still suffer from Special Snowflake syndrome. Just because haters are going to hate doesn’t mean that we’re going to placate. 

So, rock on, Next Gen! Keep producing that awesomesauce! 

I have a very disjointed relationship with my race and my gender. I am the product of two white collar, college-educated black people, who are also the products of college-educated black people, and was raised in the near suburbs of a city that isn’t exactly known for its integration. Read More »